Collection: Couleurs

Couleurs by Le Nez Insurgé - A synesthetic olfactory exploration

Couleurs by Le Nez Insurgé is more than just a perfume collection; it's an innovative approach aiming to represent each color through a distinctive scent. With five colors and five perfumes, this revolutionary line awakens the senses in a way you've never imagined before.

Olfactory exploration of chromatic nuances

Dorothée Duret made a fascinating discovery from daily experiences at Le Nez Insurgé's boutique and during olfactory workshops: our sense of smell engages in synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon where multiple senses are durably associated. Through "olfactory awakening" workshops, it became evident that most of us have the ability to describe scents using colors.

Le Nez Insurgé offers a modern vision of synesthesia by exploring how smells can evoke colors. Rooted in neo-Art & Craft, this approach reinforces values of tradition and authenticity. The perfumes of Couleurs by Le Nez Insurgé invite everyone to explore their personal synesthesia and articulate the sensations and emotions triggered by smells.

A new sensory approach

The inspiration behind this olfactory adventure dates back to the 19th century, thanks to the works of Eugène Chevreul, a chemist whose research revolutionized our understanding of color perception. His discoveries influenced renowned artists and craftsmen, such as those of the Art & Craft movement founded by William Morris and John Ruskin. This philosophy, placing craftsmanship at the heart of art, finds unexpected echoes in the world of perfumery.

With Couleurs by Le Nez Insurgé, dive into a world where senses intertwine, where colors come to life through smells, and synesthesia becomes an olfactive reality. Explore our unique perfumes and unravel the secrets of chromatic nuances. Join an unprecedented sensory adventure and give a voice to your own synesthesia.